Sunday, May 17, 2015

4 Years....Blood Sweat and Tears

Wow...Four years...really has it been that long?

It would take a blog of epic proportions to catch up on all that has happened since my last post. The great news is that Roxy is still with me and we now have a new addition. Since May last year Jerry has joined us. A purebred Quarter Horse who is Palomino and whose ancestors go back to the very first Quarter Horses to come to Australia (one day I will go into more depth regarding his line). He is an absolute delight and I am very blessed to have him on my journey, there are great things to come with that young man...yes he is real young, still a baby but will be three this coming October.

So what has prompted me to return to my blog....well there are major changes afoot and today proved that the path I have chosen to follow with my horsemanship is the right one.

It is hard to put into words but in the last two years the influence of Mel Fleming, a wonderful human being who teaches true horsemanship, has had a dramatic impact on my horsemanship, one that has only really sunk in during the last year. 

I have always felt myself to be a spiritual and connected person, I loved trying to meditate into 'out of body' experiences as a teenager and dabbled in the way of Wicca, loving that idea of connection to elements. I have always felt like I could naturally connect with a horse, but in hindsight, I can see I was only dancing around the surface of what is truly possible. I dont know if I will ever be as far into the spiritual side of things as some are, but never say never.

I now have a strong urge to continue my blog and document what is happening with Roxy, Jerry and I because, more than anything, I want to sit down as an old lady and read back through my adventures, but also to share this journey with those who might be open to the idea of something that is more than they could imagine. A connection with horses that doesn't mean you have to be an elite equestrian, win ribbons or be the best, but allow yourself to be open minded to what horses are trying to communicate to us and how we can help them and they can help us. 

Welcome Jerry aboard and get ready to watch us all evolve, it is subtle at times but when you really soften, relax and receive, then it can hit you like a tonne of bricks only to show you a much lovelier way to live with horses.

This picture was taken after Jerry and Roxy had finished their dinner. They often compete for my attention which results in a group hug.

Until next time and I promise that won't be four years from now. ;-)