Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Roxy has a little trick up her sleeve?

It has been an interesting few weeks in my world of horses. Tahoe is growing nicely and has this thick woolly chocolate coat that is just so nice to run your hands through. He is leading fairly well and letting me touch him all over. Unfortunately last week Tahoe had a run in with some barbed wire and now has some less than attractive tissue damage on his rear near side leg. I am not sure how or what happened but we are lucky to get away without any serious damage. Tahoe was never going to be a show ring prospect but he has sealed the deal now.

As for my baby mama Roxy! Well two weeks ago I decided on a small bareback ride. I noticed straight away that she wasn't in the mood but because I only have very few chances to ride her I stupidly persisted and went ahead. I bridled up and up on top I went. We went to move forward and Roxy hesitated. I gave her a smart tap on the rump with my reins and got one of her warning pops...two front feet popping off the ground. She then dug her heels in and again refused to go forward. Another large tap on the rump and up ..up...up she went! The first small rear wasn't so bad but she went down and back up again..... I looked behind me and went 'nope time to get off' and slid off before things got really ugly.

If this had been planned it was a beautiful movie style rear..this wasn't planned and needed attention now.

I quickly hopped back on and after a few steps could feel her building again. It was now time for plan C. We did some circles and got some impulsion going on the the ground. Once I could see that she had settled I got back up. This time I gave my next plan of action a bit more thought. I need edto ask her POLITELY to move forward and remember my QS skills and not just rudely smack her on the rump to go. So I sat up straight and slowly started squeezing from my butt down to my calves and leaned forward with my hand stretched out ...and what do you know away she goes. Then I stopped her, while it was my idea to stop. Again I asked her to go forward and off she went...now I just need to get her to pass the spot she reared at and I would leave it at that and turn. She took a few steps passed and I turned her (again it was my idea not hers) and we walked back to the fence. That was it we left it there.

Wow was I ever put in my place, but ironically it was the best thing that could have happened. I learned SO MUCH from it. I need to not put so much pressure on either of us and I need to use my manners.

We are now doing a little bit of ground work and yielding but I will leave her alone until Tahoe has moved on. She deserves to be the best mum that she can be and she is doing a great job.

Love Lorrie


  1. Hi Lorrie. It's amazing how things come back to us (like QS principles) when we stop and think about it. So great you had such a good outcome from Roxy's little bit of "resistance". It could've been an awful lot worse. Good on you for taking the plunge and getting off (and realizing that she can win this fight if it comes down to it). Looks like a brownie point for you though in the end. Well done Roxy. Cheers for now. Luv Ann

  2. Thanks Ann, I am probably a bit over confident when it comes to horses. No good fighting them though. She is being good on the ground and I will possibly have her re-started by a professional if possible. Wish Shane was closer! ;-(...good to hear from you will have to take the time to have a good read through your site. xxLorrie
