Saturday, April 11, 2009

Plodding Along and Hitting a few Hurdles!

Time is going fast and I swear everyday Tahoe is 5cm taller and just that little bit fatter. The pictures below are from almost 2 weeks ago and alot of that fuzzy brown hair is making way for black.

If you look closely you can see that his hind leg has an injury...thanks to a run in with some barb wire he now has a scar to match his mums old barbwire scar (she had those before I got her). He has healed nicely though.

He is being a little scamp but still has a delightful and curious nature...we played a bit of tug of war with a towel yesterday and he thought it was funny to take it in his teeth and throw it around.

Roxy is still being the aloof but caring mum that I have come to love. What I dont love is her new behaviours when I ride her. Her latest is bucking!!! She is so naughty. I am not sure of what horse I will end up with after this, but the horse on the ground is still being a good girl it is just the horse in the saddle that I am unsure about. After much reading and analysing I think that she will just need alot of retraining and relearning and once the distraction of the baby is gone hopefully I will have my Roxy back, just with a bit more spunk?

I have also had a fall off Monty about 3 weeks ago after doing some one rein riding in the round yard. Completely my fault as I could tell that she hated having the rein thrown over her head, to change sides, while I was working from the ground so why on earth I did it from up top I dont know? I have a pretty sore shoulder from that one.. but I have since had a couple of great rides on her, I just know to leave the throwing things over her head out of the equation for now!!

Well I have Tahoe advertised in some places but I am not expecting a flood of calls. He will be in Horse Deals next month so I will see how that goes before I try some other options. He will be a lovely, friendly horse who would be great as a trail riding horse. I would hate to see him go to waste in the wrong hands.

Only 4 more months to go ....unless he doesnt sell and then who knows?

Love Lorrie

Hanging out after his feed..

Roxy eating out of the nappy bucket so the ducks dont get it.

Tahoe on 'solids' eating from his very own ice cream container!


  1. Wow Lorrie, Tahoe has grown so so much. He's starting to look more like his mum (colouring I mean). I'd buy him if I lived closer and I had a few more acres. He is growing into a gorgeous little boy. I'll keep an eye out in Horse Deals and put the word out. Cheers for now. Luv Ann and Eddie

  2. thanks Ann...I am very proud of him..would love him to go to a QS or NH home..would be prepared to let him go for next to nothing if that was the case :-)
