Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just had to Brag...:-)

Today I had a pretty special thing happen to me....often with our horses we are so consumed by training, riding, behaviour etc that we don't notice how far we have really come. It is not until a stranger points this out to you that you realise how lucky and special you are to have a horse and not just own it, have a relationship with it.

Today I stopped at the paddock to feed Roxy. Some days she comes running some days she doesn't. Depends on her mood and hunger factor I guess?

Today was a "I am looking but not sure if I want to come or not" day.

I began to stroll across the paddock and between Roxy and I stood my other four legged friend Monty. At about the same time a car was driving past the paddock.

As I went to pat and pay Monty some attention, curiosity and perhaps a little jealously got the better of Roxy and she came cantering up to us.

I gave her a warm welcome and decided not to put her halter on and just started walking. I then began to jog and asked Roxy to join me by clicking to her and asking her verbally to 'trot on' after a few moments she did. Then I stopped. She stopped. I walked. She walked. I jogged and she jogged and we continued like this all the way to the yards.

When I reached the yards, the car that had been driving past had made a u-turn and was now back down the hill near the yards. A lady wound down the window and after initially mistaking me for someone else, went on to say how beautiful it was to watch, a horse running to its owner and interacting like we did.

I was so, so pleased and proud that someone had actually noticed and mentioned what I already know in my heart. To have validation from a stranger was very special.

Never ever believe that you can't realise your dreams when it comes to horses, because I truly believe that they are the most amazing and complex animals alive and the rewards of true companionship are priceless.


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