Thursday, October 30, 2008

Out for Another Brush and Feed

Well today was just a quick visit with both the kids. I was excited to finally show them Roxy. My daughter was her usual apprehensive self and was a little scared to touch or play with her. My son, with me holding him was straight in for a pat. Which confirms my belief that he will be the child with the thing for all things animal!

Roxy was looking really good and is easy to catch. When I brought her in I noticed she has a bit of a sore on her right hind hoof, but hopefully she has just bumped it and it will heal up.

While feeding and grooming her, alot of other horsey people turned up to do the same with their horses. It always amazes me the different kinds of people that have horses. One young girl owns four of the horses in Roxy's at $60 per month for adjistment and the discussion we had regarding her showing at least one of those horses PLUS the fact that she rides three times a week..has me a little gob smacked. I can never understand where people get the time and money for more than one or maybe two horses. Regardless she had some great info on where to ride and said there is miles of places to go...lets hope her miles is the same as my version, because I have an inkling that I used to ride alot further than your average trail rider?

So Jade had a sit on Roxy and was quite nervous, Roxy was wondering what the little thing on her back was too, but as I have come to expect she took it in her stride.

So I have decided that I will get up at the crack of dawn and head out to see if I can sneak in a ride on Saturday morning..I am praying that the saddle will fit nicely on her. Am thinking now that I should have looked into it a bit more, oh well time will tell.

Love Lorrie

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