Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is with the Rain!!

Well as luck would have it Saturday it rained, spotted rain, threatened to rain...very annoying!

A good friend of mine came to visit in the afternoon and we threw chance into the face of the damned rain and went out with all the tack to risk it and at the very least say hello.

We arrived to find a paddock full of skittish horses, I suspect, from the mass worming session that morning. Roxy was wormed just before she arrived so she had a leave pass this time. Horses were chasing my friend and my daughter and being very rude and cheeky indeed. Even Roxy bolted from my grasp and I was worried that I might have my first tonne of trouble catching her. But that wasnt the case. She was however a bit rattled as well so Jade wasnt getting a ride that day.

After getting her stubborn little self back to the yards, I started by getting my saddle and checking its fit, as well as the stirrups, bridle etc.

I was wonderful to ride her in full tack and we did some exercises in the round yard before takin on some free riding outside. She continued to improve and showed that she is willing to learn and even with a bit of spookiness could be trusted. We did have one moment when I wanted her to walk through a small gate opening with me on her back. She didnt like that idea for the first 4-5 attempts and at one stage backed up, with me just letting her go til she stopped, about 30 metres. She then resigned herself to the fact that I would just patiently wait for her to get it together and proceeded to just calmly walk through.

She is a bit cheeky and aloof and has a nature that is second to none. She is relaxed and happy to let me do anything to her when grooming.

I will return later to talk about our paddock ride on the Sunday and my work with her on Tuesday. I am very excited by the progress that was made!

Cheers Love Lorrie

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