Sunday, November 16, 2008

My sister and niece meet Roxy!

We headed out on Thursday so that my sister Corinne and her niece Madaleine could meet Roxy. My Mum came along too as she hadn't seen her since the day I bought her.

We brought Roxy in and saddled her up. I took her for a few laps of the yard and then out to the paddock just to make sure she was settled enough for the otheres to have a ride.

She was a tad disappointed I think when she realised that she would be giving pony rides and not heading to the hills with me.

My sister, her daughter and my daughter Jade all took Roxy for a ride and she was her usual patient self. We gave her a nice feed and brush and she was done for the day.

I decided to head out again Saturday afternoon and initially I was going by myself but Madaleine was so keen I couldn't say no to her.

I went out there with a plan to walk Roxy the two kilometers or so to the large working arena that is next to the trails where people ride.

We headed down the road and Roxy was little bit nervous. We then came to a narrow bridge and it was here that she dug her hooves in and refused to move. I thought riding her through it might be easier. She started to get very annoyed and like everything seems to be with her, patience was the key. At one point she even pawed the ground with frustration. Then she decided to just stand there and sniff my right foot.

I realised that there was no way she was going to let me ride her over the bridge so I hopped off again and started to walk and sure enough she followed. It was like she understood that we would be here all afternoon until she went across and she was saying to me "OK I will go but you are going first!"

We continued to the arena and when we got there we just rode some big 'S' turns. I then decided to do some really large circles at a canter. She did really well but again I noticed she hates going around to the right and I have to push her a little more to keep going.

My dear Roxy is still a tad unfit so after this she was a bit pooped. I put my niece back on her and lead her all the way home. No fussing, no stalling just a nice stroll back. She wasn't even bothered by the motorbikes anymore. Just very accepting and probably a little tired.

We gave her a nice big feed and walked with her to the water where she took a long drink.

It is time to get Roxy fit because if we start trail riding with the local group next year she really needs to be a bit more prepared. I also want to start my QS level 1 as soon as possible. Just need a few more dollars!

Looking forward to seeing her again on Tuesday but it probably wont be for a ride just a brush and feed. I am also a little concerned about the seedy toe in her front hoof so dont want to push it too much.

Update later
Love Lorrie

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