Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This week in Roxy World!

Well the weekend brought lots of rain but I still managed to get out there twice. Once for a feed and the second time I practised some circles and yield work with Roxy. A hangover didn't help at all so I changed to purpose plays and put her in circles over a jump.

Today however I beat the rain and after a great trim from the farrier, we measured her front feet to see just how 'different' they were. Well there is about .5cm difference in width. I don't think she will need two different sized boots but I will take an outline on a piece of cardboard when I visit next and then measure accurately from there.

I rode her a bit in a halter to practise some of the lesson three things I had seen on Quantum Savvy and after about 5 mins I realised there was no point as she was distracted by other horses feed buckets...we bridled up and headed out.

Her trot/jog is developing well and I am getting longer stints of 'smoothness', it helps that the saddle is starting to mold to my butt and that can only be a bonus. We are trying a fair bit of cantering now too and the more we do it the better it gets. I took her through some narrow pockets of trees that were quite low hanging and even passed a snake at one stage..she wasn't fazed. I am really keen to get out of the paddocks but after her trim it was best to keep her to the grassed areas.

I even let her run at a gallop today and she is no speedster but she gave it a good shot. She managed to whinny at a canter so she wasn't completely out of breath!

She continues to improve and her lovely calm personality shines though each time I see her. She loves a good rub behind the ears and is very accepting of a lot of new things I throw her way. I even threw the training rope over her head while seated in the saddle to change it to the other side and she wasn't bothered at all.

I hope to try and save some more dollars this weekend to buy her some boots for her front feet. I want the pricey ones, I just think they will have more life in them.

So hopefully I can sneak a visit in somewhere before the weekend.

Bye Bye

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