Friday, November 7, 2008


Well it is 12:37 pm and I am killing time on the net waiting for my husband to come home so I can take off and see Roxy. In the meantime I am reading up on Quantum Savvy the natural horsemanship program that I am interested in starting.

Using a few videos from the internet site and some reading I have been practising a few other games with her, which I tried out last weekend, and I have some stuff to try today.

Sunday was paddock ridin' day!!! I did a little bit of work with her in the roundyard and then saddled her up ready for a bash around the paddock. I use that term lightly as it was more like a gentle first time work out at the gym after a long, long absence for both of us.

We headed up the hill first at a nice jog trot (something she is getting quite good at). When we got to the top Roxy was sucking it in a little bit so we just saundered accross the top of the paddock. As we turned to come down hill she picked up a bit of speed but to my surprise when I touched her reins lightly and said walk on...she did! She then got a bit startled by something and jumped forward but that was it.

We continued some up and down work in some steep gullies and then on the way back I decided to canter...this is where things got a little out of control. I lost my train of thought and Roxy was ready to keep going. After dropping my seat down deep in the saddle and taking the pressure off my legs, a nice big 'WHOA' brought her to a stop.

I then decided to try her out opening a gate while I stayed mounted...she passed with flying colours, even when the gate bumped her on the butt.

On Tuesday it was a mad dash out to get some ground work in before heading off to the Melbourne Cup luncheon with mum. We started with some pressure/yielding work and then did some walking and trotting circles. I then decided to try circles with no lead. I didnt expect much just thought I would give it a go and what do you she goes! She did a few circles each way and then we removed the halter and lead and I tried a new bridle on her then sent her to do some circles. Again not a problem...with one exception...Roxy doesnt like circling to the right! She WILL do it but as soon as she is finished instead of turning to face me she quickly shuffles and faces the other direction. Really quite the funny girl.

I took her back to the yard for a bit of tucker and a nice brush and massage and then we walked down to the paddock. She was super relaxed and I stood by her side and just talked and rubbed behind her ears and jaw...well the darlin' started to doze off and even after I removed the halter she stayed for a few more cuddles! Just the most lovely moment.

So hopefully I can get out there today and do some saddle work and play.

I looked into the local trail riding group and I will need to wait a bit longer before I join as I need to save for the membership and also Roxy will need some boots! Yep boots for a horse, it is a great new option instead of shoeing which is fantastic. I need to find $275 for a pair so hopefully I get some money over christmas.

Hey I saved $50 on groceries today maybe I can pocket that??

Love Lorrie

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