Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We jumped!

Yesterday I had to take my sister to the airport so I wasnt prepared to ride as I really didnt know how much time I would have.

I made it out to Roxy with a fair bit of time on my hands but only a bridle.... no saddle. I caught her easily (still with a bucket of food though) and took her back for some nice relaxed no yield/contact yield work. After this I got chatting with another lady who was out feeding her horse.

We discussed Roxy's possible breed and then I said to her that I was off to take Roxy bushwalking...she looked at me and said 'why dont you just ride?'. I explained that I didnt have a saddle and she said that if she can ride her fiesty beast with a halter from the top of the hill bare back then surely I can do the same.

I figured why not and took Roxy into the paddock where I found a hill to jump on board.

My first issue is that I am discovering that Roxy has a stubborn streak and will dig her feet in and at times WILL NOT MOVE with any gentle coaxing what so ever.

I was stuck at the gate and Roxy wasnt moving an inch. The horse and owner that I had been talking to were making their way back to the gate and it just so happened that the other horse was one of Roxy's main men. After standing there watching me for awhile I told the lady to let her horse through as I think Roxy might be waiting for him.

She let him go and he trotted off. Roxy still didnt want to move and if I turned her head she would just stand and sniff my feet, first the right then the left. Well I thought at least she is getting some flexion exercises in!

Finally I decided to resort to a good slap of the reins accross her shoulders...well that woke her up and a few more slaps and we were on our way.

We did a lap of her paddock and saw a fox which oddly enough just sat and watched us. Then we went to the bigger paddock and did some trotting and some cantering. Roxy was a bit pooped but I think she is getting slightly fitter. She always lets out this big sigh of relief when something is over.

We headed back to the yards and I noticed the jump was set up, about 20-30cm. I thought why the hell not and walked her over it a few times. She is a bit clumsy with her feet so I decided to do it at a trot and we got a couple of nice little jumps...then I raised the height about 10 cm or so. Well we had a crack but Roxy knocked them all off! But at least she tried and she didnt freak out when they all came tumbling down.

She had her ears pricked forward during the ride and the jumps and I think she really enjoyed mixing it up a bit.

I actually enjoyed riding bareback and I think I will do it everytime I ride around the paddock and save the saddle for trail riding.

Fingers crossed for some good weather this weekend!

Love Lorrie

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