Saturday, July 4, 2009

Roxy Rulz OK!

Well after 3 sleepless nights I just had to make the time and effort to see what kind of horse I was left with after all this time. I have been dreaming of riding Roxy and in my dreams it was like we had left it back in December...smooth and together.

I got to the paddocks about 1.5hrs before we were due to meet up. I called Roxy and she came running, I gave her a treat and I bridled her then put a bareback pad on her. I put the halter on and led her down the road to the roundyard. No stubborness, no sillyness nothing just a Saturday morning stroll.

I started off with some yielding and then some circles each way and I could see that she was calm relaxed and focused...ok I am getting on.

At this time Rhonda pulls up and I was glad to have someone there just incase it went pair shaped or to offer advise.

I got a leg up and off we went....I cant begin to describe the feeling of getting on her again..she was light and responsive and after we trotted I brought her to a stop with a minimum of contact. To get her going I only needed the slightest pressure from my calves and some smooching. Oh the absolute joy and love I felt for this horse.

I am not counting chickens too soon but what a great start. It is a relief that is too great for words, to know that the Roxy I know and love is still there and if possible she is better than before.

It is the first step to returning to my journey with her and you cant wipe the smile off my face...Roxy and I are back...LOOK OUT!


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