Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby Steps, Big Wins and a New Horse for the MS Ride

Well there's no beating around the bush so to speak, the great news is that Roxy has been voted in for the MS Ride.

After a mid paddock discussion with members of the Wild Waler Women, Leah and Rhonda, I came to the conclusion that I should trust my heart and my head and give Roxy a chance at this years MS Ride. If I am to be honest with myself, I can do this on her and I can have her ready, all things going to plan. I have never been one to chicken out of a challenge, and to have made the decision to get stuck in and get Roxy back to work, has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.

So now where to from there? Well Leah and Lucy kindly offered to escort me out this morning with their beautiful mares Lola and Rose. Roxy is being treated as a green horse fresh from the breakers and Rose and Lola were there to hold her hoof and Lucy and Leah to hold my hand...or keep me talking which isn't hard :-)

So I saddled up Rox and did a flight test, she was calm and relaxed and it was all systems go...oh...what...we are going down the road and off to the complex? Love these guys no fussing around just get out and ride.

Roxy was nervous at times but brave and we took things steady. We reached the tunnel under the road, a real test for any horse, and Roxy gingerly got through it. She was a bit rattled on the other side but we did it. We continued on like this taking on mini obstacles and many of the evasions that had previously been an issue. Again gently and bravely Roxy took each challenge on, sometimes needing Rose or Lola to show her the way. She looked to Rose often for support but got braver and braver as we went on. On the way home she led the way and was first through the tunnel, relaxed and confident.

YIIPPEEE !!!!! We aren't back home yet but I can tell that Roxy is calm and really does have the potential I saw in her all those months ago.

There are some issues to work on...not racing to catch up, softer in the mouth and more rounded, but really I am ecstatic. Those things are nothing that time and gentle hands cant fix. As for the rearing, well I am sure in the back of her mind and if she was pushed in the wrong way, it might 'rear it's ugly head' but if I listen to her and consider her viewpoint and support her as a leader I truly believe she will be everything I dreamed of.

Thanks WWW for a wonderful ride and a massive confidence booster...slowly, slowly baby steps and big wins for everyone.

The only thing I regret photos...oh well will get some next time. ;-)



  1. Hey Lorrie,

    You should be very proud of both yourself and your girl. You both did so well today. You must be sooooo very happy. Lucy and I had an awesome ride with you both this morning and look forward to many more. Now that my Bubba is back in the paddock we can both work at getting our beautiful girls ready together for the MS Ride. We will show them that Thoroughbreds (especially ours) can do anything!!!

    Giddy up! See you round the paddock.

  2. Thanks Leah...that is so kind. :-)
