Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting Fit for MS and Cow Hunting

Well it has been awhile since my last post because I am so darn busy skiing and horse riding. The long story short is that Roxy continues to improve and our battles are not so much of a battle now, but more of a whinge on her part followed by some assertiveness on mine. A little bit of no I don't want to go that way from her and that is responded to with 'oh yes you are and now for being rude you can trot'.

She makes me laugh when she then gets her sulky donkey ears. This doesn't last long though and they perk back up and dare I say it she enjoys herself.

Turns out she is quite the cow hunter and now I now know what is meant by the expression 'cowy'...she sees them and she is dying to herd them up. The other day on the trail a small Angus calf blocked her way and we were heading straight for each other. The mother cow bellowed but the calf stood its ground and Roxy just continued to head towards it....I was ready for some sort of explosion from either the calf or Roxy but I ended up with Roxy and the calf gently sniffing each other before the calf bounded off with its mum. Rox took it in her stride and we continued on.

She often turns her head to my foot to check in and get a scratch too and she has a heart of gold...ok gushing about her again now:-)

Tahoe is sold technically but I will write about that another time as I don't want to jinx myself.

Below is a pic from a recent ride....will post more later XXXX Lorrie

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