Sunday, November 22, 2009

Water Landings and Gazebos

Insane is the only way to describe my life right now but in a good way.

My good friend Leah and I are kicking off our new business 'Paddock Planet' and all systems are go with samples and product on its way. Look for us on eBay and in the near future our own online store with many many more plans for the future.

We also have a separate blog for Paddock Planet which we will start soon.

Now for the latest on Roxy.

It has been just over a year since I bought her and every time we ride we find a new challenge.

Last week we took on a creek crossing. Plodding up and down the embankment became a tad boring so I decided a little speed was necessary. Now remember a year ago Roxy and I had many many heated discussions about crossing anything really!

I trotted up the hill turned and took off.....jumped down the embankment ploughed through the water and leaped up the other side. WHAT A RUSH! SO of course we did it a few more times trying to get a bit more splash each time.

On the other side I gave her a rest and in typical Roxy attitude she just stood there quietly afterwards. Not hot or stirred up at all.

Yesterday we decided to do some street work. Leah on Lola and Roxy and I rode two abreast through the back streets of Albion Park. Cars over took us and kids came out to say hi and Roxy did great. We soon reached the park with the gazebo. There are about three steps up into the gazebo and I decided to let Roxy just smell it and I would be happy to get one foot on a step and that would do it. Well on one side I just got her to sniff. We followed Lola around the perimeter and once I go to the other side I turned her to the step and up she goes! I look at Leah with a mixture of surprise and happiness as Roxy calmly comes out the other side.

Roxy just continues to grow and get better every day. She looks fabulous and next weekend we are going to tackle Tony's Training Day and hopefully a group ride after..we'll see.

Bye Bye
Love Lorrie

Roxy still has a thing for the boys. (Far Left )That is her and Zac. The other picture is just her and her new blue Nungar Knots horsey! xx

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