Monday, December 21, 2009

PMS Gone! Good Ole Rox is Back.

It would appear that my theory about Roxy's behaviour was correct. This week and last I have my usual girl back and we have had some great moments.

Two stroke motorbike desensitization is still a work in progress, I can't even get used to that noise. Everything else however is back on track.

Had a nice long trail ride last Tuesday which saw Roxy's evasive behaviour only surface twice biggie.

She handled a dog running at her with raised hackles with caution but not panic and this weekend in the round yard I had an amazing breakthrough.

I have been working on getting Roxy's front end moving and her transitions. Leg aids are also on the schedule.

Roxy was doing so well on line in the round yard the other day that I decided to ditch the rope and reins and try some liberty from the ground.

I sent her off and we practiced changing direction. After some initial confusion where she showed me her butt instead of her face, we got a bit of a rhythm going. We had this going at a trot and canter and I just stood in the middle taking all the pressure off her and letting her work.

Then I thought I would try halting her and bringing her to me, to my surprise she did it!!! I saw her ear cock towards me and then she turned and walked in, my heart could have lept through my chest, I was so proud. I feel like we have achieved a lot in the last 6 months and this has been the highlight so far.

I remember being at Parelli last year and admiring the people and horses doing this exact same thing and here I was having the same experience (but without several hundred people watching). I tried it a few more times to make sure it wasn't a fluke and again Roxy did it. In true Roxy form though she did start to get bored with it so we quit while I was ahead.

So again, things are progressing and apart from some new saddle fit issues they are going really well.

We are planning a working bee to make some obstacles to play with at my friend Lucy's property and also continuing with the business Leah and I have started... Paddock Planet.

Exciting to say the least.

Merry Christmas punters!

Love Lorrie and Roxy

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