Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rides to the Pub and Rides in the Rain

Well hellllooooo 2010!!!

This year marks the start of some big things for me and me Rox. We have spent January cramming as many rides in as school holidays will allow and now that school is back it is time to get things kicking along again.

I have spent some time doing ground work with Roxy and a few memorable rides have my spirits lifted as I see her slowly but surely improving which is all you can ask for. Consistent improvement and learning is a god send!

Last week I ventured to Jamberoo pub with my local horsey friends Chris, Deb, Marty, Nicky and Kim on Neville, Buddy, Flicka, Tully and Clancy respectively. This was a real test for Roxy as it was her first real group ride with strange horses since the MS Ride. I couldn't have been more pleased with her behaviour heading to the pub and was delighted to have her as the center of attention for some kids who wanted to pat a horse. A beer and pie and it was back in the saddle. As usual the ride home is a little faster, and apart from some separation anxiety when we lost sight of the group after falling a bit behind, she was faultless.

Fast forward to this weekend and I was lucky enough to have my fav Bega girl Trish Hayes escort Roxy up to Robertson for a sleep over at Lucy and Micks. We did some photography for Paddock Planet and then trucked it down the road for a ride. Roxy was understandably nervous but settled in after about 10 mins. A stealth dog upset her a little at the halfway mark and on the way home the dastardly doggy got us again but all in all a nice calm ride.

This morning we all headed off again with Trish on Boris, Lucy on Rose and Leah on Bubba. Stealth dog was asleep but we managed to find a Waler Wench driving around and stopped for a chat...hi Bindi... Trish and Lucy headed back as Trish had to get back to Bega, but Leah and I continued on to finish the track (an extra 45mins riding). We trotted the last main section of the road and as we cruised along the heavens opened. Roxy tried to tuck her head to get it out of her face, looked like a collected trot, but we both knew better. Lola and Roxy were impeccable and we made it back to our pick up point for Lucy to truck us back to the house, where Mick was waiting with fresh rock cakes and pots of tea and coffee.

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have such a great opportunity and to have found such lovely people to hang with. Thanks guys!

So coming up....... we have a western clinic next weekend which Chris and I are going to with Neville and Roxy. I am really looking forward to that and it will be a nice addition to the training mix :-)
The weekend after that I have a 20km endurance social ride at Wandandian which ironically is where my family had a farm when I was a little kid so I am excited about riding around my old digs.

Until then, when I am sure I will have lots of stories...happy riding!
Love Lorrie and Roxy!

Roxy taking a break in the park in Jamberoo

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