Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fog, Frogs and Explosive Bogs

As time goes on I am more convinced that if you are to ride with Christine and I then you do so at your own risk. Don't worry my friends we are top fun to be around but you will find yourself questioning if you are living a parallel universe as events unfold.

Chris and I loaded up Roxy and Neville and headed to Darkes Forest today for western lessons. Although stiff from a neck that muscle spasmed two days ago and tired from attending a ripper 40th the night before, I was excited.... with Berocca in one hand and pink pain killing pill in the other.

Off we went and other than miss the turn off we made it with time to spare.

The riding school is chocka with horses and riders and even on a rainy day there were people out enjoying their horses. Frogs too we very vocal and what I thought might be an idling tractor was actually a dam full of frogs, it is here that Christine pointed out my blondeness.

We had a fantastic lesson and the horses both did really, really well. We learnt about western showing and classes and how to perform in them. As well as completing an obstacle course

I am especially pleased with my Roxy, who although showing signs of being over the whole arena thing, (SSSSOOO left brained), we took it slowly slowly and did really well getting some nice complements to boot. Lucky my helmut was on or my head would have filled that arena.

Now here I digress and mention that half way through I had the tummy rumbling of what I suspected was anxiety. All too soon it was revealed to me that other factors were at hand. Two trips to the dunny and 1kg lighter, I had a sinking feeling that last nights 12.30 pizza was not happy at all with my intestines. They argued on and off but no more dashes to the loo were necessary.

Back to the float and we head off to be greeted by a thick fog typical up on the escarpment. I casually ate my salad thinking that I was in good hands and Christine was surely a seasoned pro.....I ask to make sure..."Please tell me you have at least driven in fog a few times before"..the response was negative. I leaned over slapped the hazards on and we continued down the pass. She handled it brilliantly and I arrived home safe and sound without any further incident.

It was another win for horse training mumma's over green horses and the new float was gorgeous. A big thanks again to Christine for finding another awesome thing to get involved in. Who would have thought that the variety was out there.....Love it!!!

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