Friday, February 12, 2010

New Flash!!! The Illawarra has Rotated and Now Lies on Equator

Wow could it get more humid or subtropical...since departing from my sisters at speed and looking forward to the cooler days, or at least nights of home, I am finding that it is a distinct possibility that the earth has changed its axis and I am now in the sub-tropics. NEVER has my desire been so strong to get Narellan Pools in for a quote, and I hate getting into pools (unless I have a belly full in which case it isn't a hard task whatsoever).

This afternoon another ride was planned to test out the next combination on Roxy's new corrector pad. Yes another expensive item has been added to my collection but I feel like I am getting there. It just goes to show that maybe if you pay for quality up front you wont waste hundreds or even thousands getting there.

Weather looks ominous for the weekend social endurance ride, however the team is still hoping for a positive outcome from the gods. Call me an atheist but I am not holding my breath. It would make for another excellent blog however and if we don't go I might just make one up.

Not much else to report just enjoying the cool change the storm brought before the sun comes out again and sends the humidity skyrocketing to 100% again!


And now the opportunity to add a pic of the Rox!

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