Thursday, April 15, 2010

$180....nope your horse is just lazy!!!

I guess it would come as no surprise that today I called a vet out to Roxy as I worried about her exhibiting 'exercise intolerance' during yesterdays training session in the round yard.

Roxy appeared, to me, to have a slightly swollen upper respiratory tract...maybe....and while trotting in frame she was coughing and slowing to a point that had me worried.

Fast forward 24 hours, a scope and $180 later...I have a horse that thankfully is good as gold and I am now left to assume that SHE IS A LAZY ARSE!!!

On the upside I got a lesson in horses respiratory systems and was amazed to see the inside of Roxy's throat. Worth the money just to see that in my opinion.

I am still waiting on my custom made Kent saddle which I should get in another 6 weeks. In the meantime I am 'back in the saddle' this week having spent the last six weeks resting Roxy's back and doing ground work to strengthen and lengthen it. She has turned into a tubby one though and will need to shift some weight, but she is all good to go.

I am looking forward to some more up and coming western clinics and have a few new training techniques to continue to improve my girl.

I also recently returned from a fantastic trip with my horse family and my actual horse widow husband and kids, to Tumbarumba (blog on that soon) in the snowy mountains and am thankful to good friends Mick and Lucy for the kind invitation to explore that part of the hill. The riding is amazing and a big hug to my April spare horse "Rose", what a great ride that girl is and man can she jump!

Next time I am hoping to take Roxy as she would have just loved it...although I am not so sure about the scary bridge on the Hume-Hovell Track...that is a story for another time!

Lots of love

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