Saturday, December 27, 2008

Belated Merry Christmas!

Well it has been a hectic few days and I finally got around to submitting two of my QS assignments. I am really looking forward to seeing how they go.

I am not sure about my skills check as I felt really sick on the day and probably didn't have the focus I needed. Roxy still did well so we will wait for the feedback and take it from there.

Everything is very full on at the moment as I am preparing for my first official trail ride with the local trail riding group ATHRA. I am anxious for Roxy to do well but she does so well with other horses that I am sure she will just mosey along and really enjoy it.

Today was absolutely amazing as after watching some QS videos and some Parelli to boot I decided that I was prepared enough to try Roxy out on some proper one rein riding and I did it bareback because it just makes getting the feel so much easier.

I am pleased to say that Roxy passed with more than flying colours. I learnt so many new things about her today. To yield her I need to use one thumb not five fingers, she will back up brilliantly with just a rope across her chest, and best of all we seem to have found some rhythm with some fantastic transitions with the correct leg lead. I was just blown away and both of us ended up just a tad sweaty!

Her work with water was also another step in the right direction with Roxy actually jumping off a bank about 40cm high at a trot into water!!! YAY ROXY!!!

We finished with some circle work on the side of a hill which I am glad she was doing and not me.

It was just the best day so far and I am determined for my horse not to just be ok, but to be exceptional. I want that wow factor where you do things with your horse and people are blown away. She is a great teacher and very patient with me and I love that she looks to me as her leader more now.

I actually also caught her without the feed bucket today too!

Until next time
Love Lorrie

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