Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Water Play and Trail Riding Friends!

Well it has been a while, very busy filling out homework cards and getting ready to submit assignments. I have been working really hard on getting my foundation stuff right and we have had some amazing break throughs.

My main concern was that I couldnt get Roxy to do a hind quarter yield (swinging her butt away from me to face me and basically keeping her front feet pretty still). Well after losing much sleep going over and over in my head what I was doing and how I could change it I finally had a light bulb moment and last week we did it! She is now almost ready for an official assignment submission which shows we understand the basic foundations skills that all our other work will build upon.

We also discovered that we had an issue with water. A disagreement over going into a dam ensued last Tuesday and we had quite the argument. I gave up asking her to go in and let her finish on the tiniest of trys so that we ended on a positive note.

Then on the weekend it was on! Down we went and had a go doing it from the ground instead of riding in. I took the advise of my fellow Quantum Savviers and took it little by little. And sure enough after a few great trys we were in the dam, both up to our knees and hocks and I was splashing water all over her. I was so proud of her!!!

SO today we head out on a trail ride with some friends. This is her first group ride and we basically spent half of the ride in the suburbs. She passed a ride on lawn mower, whipper snipper, dogs, kids on bikes, trucks, play parks you name it and she was pretty much perfect....until we came across a small creek crossing that she didnt like the look of. We had a few go's but I decided that that was a lesson that we could work on next time.

My friend suggested that I ditch the saddle and we head up to this dam bareback to give the horses a swim and we could practise the dam stuff.

Excitedly we all rode up and one of the horses being a water baby was straight in there.....Roxy got two front hooves wet while I was riding her! That was a massive acheivement alone....but then I got off and using my QS skills for driving her forward, got her to go in up to her belly by herself where she then stood and just eased her hot leggies! I sat on the bank looking at her proudly while the other horses and riders did the same. We let the horse spend lots of time enjoying the cool water before heading back.

I am just stunned at what a fantastic horse she is .....the only issue that remains is that there is a bit of a debate going about whether or not Roxy is pregnant! Time will tell but I honestly hope not....she is not meant to be? I think she just has a huge grass belly from all the good tucker. I will be keeping an eye on her though? ;-).

So lots to do and hopefully I will have at least 3 assignments done by the end of January??

Bye Bye
Love Lorrie

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