Saturday, June 20, 2009

Its Time To Go....Roxy

Well time has flown by and this week I have made the decision to wean Tahoe which means in two weeks Roxy will be going back to one of the main paddocks. She is only just maintaining her weight and Tahoe is doing just fine so my priority is to look after Roxy. It is the least that she deserves.

I havent written too much about Roxy over the last few months but the pride and love I have for this horse is nothing short of breath taking. Scaling everything back to its core and taking baby steps with her and just creating a bond is the most wonderful and positive thing to come out of all this. I couldnt rush anything and I have had a chance to spend time with her EVERY day just being. I look at her and my heart jumps and I am so excited about getting back on and getting started with her again, except this time we are so much closer.

So how do you know that things have changed?

Well I used to have to con her into coming to me with a bucket of food and when I let her go she would walk away. She still comes to me because she is getting food, but the important thing is that she knows her name. I call Roxy and she looks up and whinnies and more often than not comes at a trot. She is relaxed, happy and familiar with me without being pushy.

We used to walk along and I would have to constantly ask her to keep up with she plods along beside me .

She stops when I stop walks when I walk.

I could not for the life of me get her to relax enough to lower her head below her I can get her to drop it to the ground...I will be bridling her from a sitting position from now on.

I did some quick lunging with her the other day and after initially being unsure of what we were up to, she soon got it and I had my girl circling me freely with one ear pointed in my direction...I had her attention even with two foals watching from the sidelines.

She was even relaxed enough to roll next to me in the stall and lets me take Tahoe away without freaking out. For a horse to lie down near you, when lying down is as vunerable as they get, shows real trust.

I am sure I have an amazing horse on my hands and I dont expect it to be all smooth sailing but she is worth all the effort I am sure. She is my "55 horse" the one I expect to be on for the next 20 years, thanks Roxy for being such a great teacher! XXX


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