Thursday, June 4, 2009

Update on Monty

So today we had the vet out to Monty. She wasnt getting any better and yesterday we discovered lovely pus!

After waiting for the vet for a bit he finally arrived and had a bit of a look. Definately something in there he it is time to find out what.

Monty gets a sedative and some nerve blocker (could have done with some myself), and as Rhonda holds her up the vet starts digging away at her foot...a few minutes and a rather large hole later out slides a chunk of wood!!! It was pretty big about 3cm by 1cm..and smelly too apparently, but I didnt sniff to confirm.

David the vet cleans it up and wraps it. Monty is officially out of action for a least 4 weeks and will have a nice hole grow down her hoof over the next 12 months.

She is on penicillin twice a day and we need to change the dressing daily. I dont have the bill yet but I can imagine there will be a decent one.

SO hopefully Monty is still ok for the MS Ride, we will give her the best of care and at least in the sick paddock she might lose a bit of weight the tubby chick.

Will update as things progress....poor Monty :-(



  1. poor Monty, hope that heals up with no further problems.

  2. Thanks Clairesgarden...Monty is healing very very quickly will post soon with an update!
