Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big shiny boobies!

Still just Roxy..... but this morning her udders were definately up and shiny, her teats are filling and yesterday she was kicking at her stomach.

Oh we are so close....will be checking her out more closely tonight. As usual tonight would be bad timing because in the morning I have to get Jade ready for her first day at school! SO much going on right now it is crazy...only just keeping my sanity I can tell you.

For all those friends who think I may have dropped of the face of the earth, I havent I am just sitting in a paddock staring at Roxy...I will be back soon....


Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day...inching closer...

The 26th of January has arrived and we are all getting ready to celebrate our nations big day.....Roxy is still hanging onto this foal with two big butt cheeks but I am one day closer to seeing her baby.

This week has been a little expensive with a visit from the vet to attend to Roxy's cough. She has a cold and I desperately wished I could add her to my Medicare card and bulk bill...holy crap horse antibiotics are expensive!! Still if it stops me from being sprayed by urine all the time it is worth every dollar.

It has been SO HOT so no mare in her right mind would drop a foal in those conditions. I am so anxious to see what this baby looks like. We have decided whether it is a boy or girl it will be named Tahoe. It has two meanings...the first overseas ski trip Danny and I did was to Tahoe in the USA and the second ....well is not very polite but a way of saying thank you hussy girl for the surprise foal...I will leave that for you to work out?

Here is her latest pic taken yesterday

Also I have spoken of the horse that I am currently riding for a friend....below is a fairly recent picture of Monty....she is such a sweetie!

I am off to have an Australia Day breakfast in the phone call I presume means no foal today so we wont be changing the name to Ozzie!

Love Lorrie

Monday, January 19, 2009

C'mon Little Foal Show Up???

Well almost a week since my last post and still only four legs in the foal paddock. She is definitely closer as her udder inches towards a more respectable size and her attitude gets slightly more bitchy!

I went on my first trail ride with the local ATHRA group yesterday and it was fantastic. Monty did really well and I have pulled up fairly good, couple of bruises on my calf from my stirrups but that is all. It was about 20km round trip and there were 45 would think this would be a recipe for mayhem but it wasn't... not at all. Everyone is considerate and you don't have to stick nose to tail all the way. Where it is wide enough you can go off to the side and trot or canter which was fun. The next ride is Jamberoo Valley and apparently quite a hard ride so we need to get Monty and her son Nugget a bit fitter. They are Brumby/Walers thought so pretty tough. I swear I will get a picture of them soon. Lots of photos were taken yesterday so I am sure I can track one down from somewhere!

Also I am off to see legendary Natural Horseman Pat Parelli in March. Myself and a few friends are making a girls weekend of it and spending 3 days watching Pat go through the process of taking an untrained, untouched horse through the program. It should be so much fun, he is amazing!

Well enough of that hopefully by the end of the month we will be seeing some cute foal pics ...probably need to start running bets on the sex and what it will look like?


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh that Belleh is getting big!!

Well I am still on foal watch and Roxy's signs are showing that we arent too much farther off. She has a gigantic belly and is getting very relaxed in the rear. Her udder is still growing but not bagged right up yet. Some people say I have a week others 2 or 3! My guess is this Saturday night because I have my first official trail ride with ATHRA this Sunday!

My friends horse Monty is lovely...will have to get some pics of her....and today I rode in my bareback pad for the 2hr Tuesday ride with friends. Two of the other girls ride in bareback pads too and my friend who owns Monty is going to start riding bareback as well...saddles who needs em'? Although having said that it is not unusual for a horsey person to own thousands of dollars worth of saddles which are pretty much not for riding in so much as looking at. Saddles are like a pair of buy one cause it looks nice, find it doesnt fit, but dont return them because ...well...they are just so nniiiccceeee!
He he

Until the fat mumma sings

Friday, January 9, 2009

Roxy is doing baby yet...

Roxy update really not much to say but look how great she is looking! Thanks to a wonderful new friend on the net who breeds I am getting Roxy the best care possible to get her on track to support this birth and new foal. I continue to check poor Roxys bits and wonder continually what the hell this foal will look like! Chat again soon...Lorrie xxxx

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shiny...getting fat but no sign of a foal yet!

Well the boobies are def getting there but Roxy to me looks like she may possibly have a little while yet..I am still guessing by the end of January though.

Went riding this morning with friend who has kindly offered her mare to ride while she gets her other horse in shape for endurance riding. The horse I am riding for her is called Monty and she is a darling. My friend also offered to let me take Monty on the trail rides with the local group and I am very grateful and have happily accepted her offer. I am gob smacked at how lucky I am! She had the same thing happen with Monty when she bought her and she is now riding Monty's son Nugget, so she has been really helpful with helping me know what to expect and what to do.

Ok gotta go clean up and get ready to bring the kids back from preschool


Love Lorrie

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well Roxy has bagged up more today (bigger boobies) but no real sign of an impending birth! She is gaining some weight which is fantastic and still has this old grey gelding watching her back. The old grey was actually being very very aggresive to its previous best friend which had me worried but they must have worked things out last night over a horsey beer or something!

Will continue my daily visits to Roxy and keep my blog updated. I have shots of her teats and under her tail but dont want this to turn into horse porn so I will keep those pics to myself for comparison. ;-)

Bye bye for now
Love Lorrie

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Roxy 3 days after finding out she was in denying that belly now!

Yep Roxy is up the Duff!

Times have been crazy since I last blogged on here but most everyone knows by now that Roxy is havin a bubba!

The day before NYE while I rested her in a creek to deal with a swollen fetlock I noticed definite movement in her belly. I sat there in semi disbelief until I saw it a few more times and just resigned myself to the truth.

The vet came out the next day at 1pm before which time I paced like a frantic mother. He treated her in a most unlady like manner and confirmed that yes she was preggo and probably had about 4 weeks to go.

Well I took some deep breaths and went into action. Getting her a new paddock, getting her fed properly and getting some answers.

The previous owner and I have spoken and it turns out that Roxy got up to some mischief during a spell at Yass and is also one of the small percentage of horses that still comes into season even though she is in foal. It completely explains why I didn't see her come into season as she was no longer with the gelding that brought her on.

Anyway I now have a mare that needs a visit from me everyday and I am anxiously doing a crash course in Equine Reproduction so I can be as prepared as possible.

Roxy is still doing some Quantum Savvy homework but is basically just getting some weight back on to give her and her foal the best chance at a healthy outcome.

What is beautiful is that Roxy has come to life since we started the proper feeding 4 days ago and that is wonderful.

Luckily for me a friend has offered her horse for me to ride on Tuesdays which I am very grateful for and I have offered my services as the all round helper on the ATHRA trail rides. I went today to one of their training day and even though I could only watch I met a fantastic bunch of people.

So I will keep the blog updated on Roxy's progress and fingers crossed it all goes as nature intended!

Love Lorrie