Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh that Belleh is getting big!!

Well I am still on foal watch and Roxy's signs are showing that we arent too much farther off. She has a gigantic belly and is getting very relaxed in the rear. Her udder is still growing but not bagged right up yet. Some people say I have a week others 2 or 3! My guess is this Saturday night because I have my first official trail ride with ATHRA this Sunday!

My friends horse Monty is lovely...will have to get some pics of her....and today I rode in my bareback pad for the 2hr Tuesday ride with friends. Two of the other girls ride in bareback pads too and my friend who owns Monty is going to start riding bareback as well...saddles who needs em'? Although having said that it is not unusual for a horsey person to own thousands of dollars worth of saddles which are pretty much not for riding in so much as looking at. Saddles are like a pair of shoes...you buy one cause it looks nice, find it doesnt fit, but dont return them because ...well...they are just so nniiiccceeee!
He he

Until the fat mumma sings

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