Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shiny...getting fat but no sign of a foal yet!

Well the boobies are def getting there but Roxy to me looks like she may possibly have a little while yet..I am still guessing by the end of January though.

Went riding this morning with friend who has kindly offered her mare to ride while she gets her other horse in shape for endurance riding. The horse I am riding for her is called Monty and she is a darling. My friend also offered to let me take Monty on the trail rides with the local group and I am very grateful and have happily accepted her offer. I am gob smacked at how lucky I am! She had the same thing happen with Monty when she bought her and she is now riding Monty's son Nugget, so she has been really helpful with helping me know what to expect and what to do.

Ok gotta go clean up and get ready to bring the kids back from preschool


Love Lorrie

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