Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This week in Roxy World!

Well the weekend brought lots of rain but I still managed to get out there twice. Once for a feed and the second time I practised some circles and yield work with Roxy. A hangover didn't help at all so I changed to purpose plays and put her in circles over a jump.

Today however I beat the rain and after a great trim from the farrier, we measured her front feet to see just how 'different' they were. Well there is about .5cm difference in width. I don't think she will need two different sized boots but I will take an outline on a piece of cardboard when I visit next and then measure accurately from there.

I rode her a bit in a halter to practise some of the lesson three things I had seen on Quantum Savvy and after about 5 mins I realised there was no point as she was distracted by other horses feed buckets...we bridled up and headed out.

Her trot/jog is developing well and I am getting longer stints of 'smoothness', it helps that the saddle is starting to mold to my butt and that can only be a bonus. We are trying a fair bit of cantering now too and the more we do it the better it gets. I took her through some narrow pockets of trees that were quite low hanging and even passed a snake at one stage..she wasn't fazed. I am really keen to get out of the paddocks but after her trim it was best to keep her to the grassed areas.

I even let her run at a gallop today and she is no speedster but she gave it a good shot. She managed to whinny at a canter so she wasn't completely out of breath!

She continues to improve and her lovely calm personality shines though each time I see her. She loves a good rub behind the ears and is very accepting of a lot of new things I throw her way. I even threw the training rope over her head while seated in the saddle to change it to the other side and she wasn't bothered at all.

I hope to try and save some more dollars this weekend to buy her some boots for her front feet. I want the pricey ones, I just think they will have more life in them.

So hopefully I can sneak a visit in somewhere before the weekend.

Bye Bye

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We jumped!

Yesterday I had to take my sister to the airport so I wasnt prepared to ride as I really didnt know how much time I would have.

I made it out to Roxy with a fair bit of time on my hands but only a bridle.... no saddle. I caught her easily (still with a bucket of food though) and took her back for some nice relaxed no yield/contact yield work. After this I got chatting with another lady who was out feeding her horse.

We discussed Roxy's possible breed and then I said to her that I was off to take Roxy bushwalking...she looked at me and said 'why dont you just ride?'. I explained that I didnt have a saddle and she said that if she can ride her fiesty beast with a halter from the top of the hill bare back then surely I can do the same.

I figured why not and took Roxy into the paddock where I found a hill to jump on board.

My first issue is that I am discovering that Roxy has a stubborn streak and will dig her feet in and at times WILL NOT MOVE with any gentle coaxing what so ever.

I was stuck at the gate and Roxy wasnt moving an inch. The horse and owner that I had been talking to were making their way back to the gate and it just so happened that the other horse was one of Roxy's main men. After standing there watching me for awhile I told the lady to let her horse through as I think Roxy might be waiting for him.

She let him go and he trotted off. Roxy still didnt want to move and if I turned her head she would just stand and sniff my feet, first the right then the left. Well I thought at least she is getting some flexion exercises in!

Finally I decided to resort to a good slap of the reins accross her shoulders...well that woke her up and a few more slaps and we were on our way.

We did a lap of her paddock and saw a fox which oddly enough just sat and watched us. Then we went to the bigger paddock and did some trotting and some cantering. Roxy was a bit pooped but I think she is getting slightly fitter. She always lets out this big sigh of relief when something is over.

We headed back to the yards and I noticed the jump was set up, about 20-30cm. I thought why the hell not and walked her over it a few times. She is a bit clumsy with her feet so I decided to do it at a trot and we got a couple of nice little jumps...then I raised the height about 10 cm or so. Well we had a crack but Roxy knocked them all off! But at least she tried and she didnt freak out when they all came tumbling down.

She had her ears pricked forward during the ride and the jumps and I think she really enjoyed mixing it up a bit.

I actually enjoyed riding bareback and I think I will do it everytime I ride around the paddock and save the saddle for trail riding.

Fingers crossed for some good weather this weekend!

Love Lorrie

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My sister Corinne felt right at home

Madaleine on Roxy

Practising with the stick for no yeild contact

My first pic on Roxy

My sister and niece meet Roxy!

We headed out on Thursday so that my sister Corinne and her niece Madaleine could meet Roxy. My Mum came along too as she hadn't seen her since the day I bought her.

We brought Roxy in and saddled her up. I took her for a few laps of the yard and then out to the paddock just to make sure she was settled enough for the otheres to have a ride.

She was a tad disappointed I think when she realised that she would be giving pony rides and not heading to the hills with me.

My sister, her daughter and my daughter Jade all took Roxy for a ride and she was her usual patient self. We gave her a nice feed and brush and she was done for the day.

I decided to head out again Saturday afternoon and initially I was going by myself but Madaleine was so keen I couldn't say no to her.

I went out there with a plan to walk Roxy the two kilometers or so to the large working arena that is next to the trails where people ride.

We headed down the road and Roxy was little bit nervous. We then came to a narrow bridge and it was here that she dug her hooves in and refused to move. I thought riding her through it might be easier. She started to get very annoyed and like everything seems to be with her, patience was the key. At one point she even pawed the ground with frustration. Then she decided to just stand there and sniff my right foot.

I realised that there was no way she was going to let me ride her over the bridge so I hopped off again and started to walk and sure enough she followed. It was like she understood that we would be here all afternoon until she went across and she was saying to me "OK I will go but you are going first!"

We continued to the arena and when we got there we just rode some big 'S' turns. I then decided to do some really large circles at a canter. She did really well but again I noticed she hates going around to the right and I have to push her a little more to keep going.

My dear Roxy is still a tad unfit so after this she was a bit pooped. I put my niece back on her and lead her all the way home. No fussing, no stalling just a nice stroll back. She wasn't even bothered by the motorbikes anymore. Just very accepting and probably a little tired.

We gave her a nice big feed and walked with her to the water where she took a long drink.

It is time to get Roxy fit because if we start trail riding with the local group next year she really needs to be a bit more prepared. I also want to start my QS level 1 as soon as possible. Just need a few more dollars!

Looking forward to seeing her again on Tuesday but it probably wont be for a ride just a brush and feed. I am also a little concerned about the seedy toe in her front hoof so dont want to push it too much.

Update later
Love Lorrie

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A little more progress!

I went out yesterday morning just to feed Roxy as I had a shopping day planned to find an outfit for Dannys, (my husbands), staff Christmas party.

I took my few handfuls of food in a bucket and after initially offering a small bit to one of her boys whose name is 'Chocky', she came straight over and wanted some too. I put down the bucket and placed the halter and lead around her neck. Success......no wandering after her today.

What I was really pleased with though, was after I had taken her back to the yards to groom and when she had finished eating, I practised her yields. Well I am very chuffed to say that Roxy yielded her left hindquarter (her favourite) without touch. This is a fantastic step forward.

It is nice just to sneak yields in while you are just grooming and feeding. Makes it less of a chore than going through the process in the round yard.

I have my sister coming to stay with her kids tomorrow when hopefully I will pop out for some play, a feed and some grooming, basically a bit of horsey love. I am sure that my niece Madaleine and Jade will want a little ride too. And I am hoping that I can get a nice big ride in Saturday morning before the rush of a very big pre chrissy weekend! I want to walk Roxy down to the sporting complex where there are some bush tracks and a dressage arena!

Wish me luck!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just a little ride for Jadey!

Just out to say hello and have a little walk around...no pressure Roxy!
Jade had her first ride in a saddle and stayed on even when Roxy jumped forward a bit when I gave her a little tap on the butt get her going. Jade kept riding and loved it! Yes Jade does have her face painted like a cat..
Roxy and I went for a quick trot around the paddock and we just brushed her and hung out while she did some lawn mowing.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

More Improvement!

Well today Roxy surrounded by her 'boys' tried to avoid me again. I quickly resorted to the feed bucket, which definately works but I would rather not go into a paddock of horses with a feed bucket. I am really asking for trouble.

I had my mother in law out with me this morning collecting poop for her veggie garden, you have to love the dedication of an Italian woman to get the veg just right!

We started with some play and circles again and after twenty minutes we saddled up.

We headed up the hill and Roxy was more interested in heading back towards the right. I worked on comfort v's discomfort to get her in a straight line and after a while she got the idea. When she looks to move the other way I apply light pressure to bring her back around with both my hands on the reins and my calf. As soon as she yields to this I drop all pressure to show her the reward for her acceptance is me backing off.

Up to the top through the scrub and back down again we waved goodbye to my mother in law as we headed into the next paddock. Roxy relaxed into a nice jog trot and remained forward moving for a lap.

After we came back to her home paddock she was relaxed enough to mix it up again so I started out at a trot and and then practised neck reining her around to change direction so that we were doing some random figure eights. She accepted all of this with interest and it was nice to see her enjoy it.

The best part was the nice controlled 4-5 strides of canter back to the yard! YIPPEEEE!!!

Yay Roxy on another great effort...now just stop using your boys to avoid me?

Love Lorrie

Friday, November 7, 2008

I made it!!

Well I got out there and after Roxy avoided me in the paddock and was being protected by one of her boyfriends, I finally caught her with the old food in the bucket trick.

We had a wonderful session with Roxy showing some really nice movement and we even did a few circles over a jumping pole which she is a bit lazy with, but accepted it and tried. Gotta always praise a try!

After her feed I also walked Jade a few paces on her bareback in the feeding stall. Jade was a bit scared at first but once I showed her how to relax she did few steps and loved it.

Going to try for an early session tomorrow....fingers crossed!


Dont think she is too happy at me pulling the camera out again!


Well it is 12:37 pm and I am killing time on the net waiting for my husband to come home so I can take off and see Roxy. In the meantime I am reading up on Quantum Savvy the natural horsemanship program that I am interested in starting.

Using a few videos from the internet site and some reading I have been practising a few other games with her, which I tried out last weekend, and I have some stuff to try today.

Sunday was paddock ridin' day!!! I did a little bit of work with her in the roundyard and then saddled her up ready for a bash around the paddock. I use that term lightly as it was more like a gentle first time work out at the gym after a long, long absence for both of us.

We headed up the hill first at a nice jog trot (something she is getting quite good at). When we got to the top Roxy was sucking it in a little bit so we just saundered accross the top of the paddock. As we turned to come down hill she picked up a bit of speed but to my surprise when I touched her reins lightly and said walk on...she did! She then got a bit startled by something and jumped forward but that was it.

We continued some up and down work in some steep gullies and then on the way back I decided to canter...this is where things got a little out of control. I lost my train of thought and Roxy was ready to keep going. After dropping my seat down deep in the saddle and taking the pressure off my legs, a nice big 'WHOA' brought her to a stop.

I then decided to try her out opening a gate while I stayed mounted...she passed with flying colours, even when the gate bumped her on the butt.

On Tuesday it was a mad dash out to get some ground work in before heading off to the Melbourne Cup luncheon with mum. We started with some pressure/yielding work and then did some walking and trotting circles. I then decided to try circles with no lead. I didnt expect much just thought I would give it a go and what do you know...off she goes! She did a few circles each way and then we removed the halter and lead and I tried a new bridle on her then sent her to do some circles. Again not a problem...with one exception...Roxy doesnt like circling to the right! She WILL do it but as soon as she is finished instead of turning to face me she quickly shuffles and faces the other direction. Really quite the funny girl.

I took her back to the yard for a bit of tucker and a nice brush and massage and then we walked down to the paddock. She was super relaxed and I stood by her side and just talked and rubbed behind her ears and jaw...well the darlin' started to doze off and even after I removed the halter she stayed for a few more cuddles! Just the most lovely moment.

So hopefully I can get out there today and do some saddle work and play.

I looked into the local trail riding group and I will need to wait a bit longer before I join as I need to save for the membership and also Roxy will need some boots! Yep boots for a horse, it is a great new option instead of shoeing which is fantastic. I need to find $275 for a pair so hopefully I get some money over christmas.

Hey I saved $50 on groceries today maybe I can pocket that??

Love Lorrie

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is with the Rain!!

Well as luck would have it Saturday it rained, spotted rain, threatened to rain...very annoying!

A good friend of mine came to visit in the afternoon and we threw chance into the face of the damned rain and went out with all the tack to risk it and at the very least say hello.

We arrived to find a paddock full of skittish horses, I suspect, from the mass worming session that morning. Roxy was wormed just before she arrived so she had a leave pass this time. Horses were chasing my friend and my daughter and being very rude and cheeky indeed. Even Roxy bolted from my grasp and I was worried that I might have my first tonne of trouble catching her. But that wasnt the case. She was however a bit rattled as well so Jade wasnt getting a ride that day.

After getting her stubborn little self back to the yards, I started by getting my saddle and checking its fit, as well as the stirrups, bridle etc.

I was wonderful to ride her in full tack and we did some exercises in the round yard before takin on some free riding outside. She continued to improve and showed that she is willing to learn and even with a bit of spookiness could be trusted. We did have one moment when I wanted her to walk through a small gate opening with me on her back. She didnt like that idea for the first 4-5 attempts and at one stage backed up, with me just letting her go til she stopped, about 30 metres. She then resigned herself to the fact that I would just patiently wait for her to get it together and proceeded to just calmly walk through.

She is a bit cheeky and aloof and has a nature that is second to none. She is relaxed and happy to let me do anything to her when grooming.

I will return later to talk about our paddock ride on the Sunday and my work with her on Tuesday. I am very excited by the progress that was made!

Cheers Love Lorrie